2024 Bicycle Queensland Survey

It is that time of the year where we need some input from Bicycle Queensland members, supporters, followers – and anyone who rides a bike or e-scooter. As a membership organisation, it is essential that we are working towards the main priorities of our members, listening to their needs and feedback. Our annual survey shapes our advocacy work along with the services and offers we deliver to members – so taking part really does make a difference. 

And importantly, if you are no longer a Bicycle Queensland member or have never signed up – we also want to hear from you. The advocacy work that Bicycle Queensland undertakes serves all Queenslanders, so we want to ensure our efforts have the best focus. 

Click here to complete the survey

As a way to say thank you, we have put together a range of prizes that we will deliver to survey respondents from a random draw. The prizes include: 

Click here to complete the survey

Terms and Conditions 

  1. The above prizes will be chosen via a random draw from the list of survey respondents who have left their name and contact details. 
  1. Prize winners will be contacted via email. If they do not reply within 48 hours the prize will be drawn again. 
  1. Prizes will only be sent to Australian addresses. 
  1. No prize can be exchanged or swapped for cash. 
  1. Prizes may be limited to what colour is available at the time of draw.
  1. The Bicycle Queensland survey is anonymous, however you will be asked if you would like to leave your name and email address, so you can be contacted for prize delivery. This data set is held separately from any survey responses. 
  1. Bicycle Queensland will provide the names and email addresses provided to our prize partners, including but not limited to: FE Sports, Adventure Entertainment, Advance Traders and Smith Optics. 
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