Bicycle Queensland partners with We Ride for National Urban Policy feedback

Bicycle Queensland welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of a $100 million Active Transport Fund, but BQ and the other bike advocacy groups have met and assert that a more substantial commitment is needed to create meaningful change. The $100 million is a step in the right direction, but insufficient for any impact nationwide.

Working with other state bodies, Bicycle Queensland are preparing a submission to highlight our key concerns. These revolve around:

– a lack of specific deliverables and a framework for delivery.
– a need to scale up investment for meaningful impact.
– recognition of e-bikes and e-scooters as light EVs, as part of a lower emissions solution.
– promotion of, and investment in active transport networks, including strategic cycling networks in all major cities.

Bicycle Queensland and the other state bodies appreciate the government’s efforts to promote active travel through the net-zero roadmap, however we urge a more ambitious and holistic approach so Australia can realise the full potential of active travel. We will be working on our submission, but you can read the details about the policy and have provide your own feedback via the portal right now.


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