New Veloway bridge over O’Keefe street

Transport and Main Roads (TMR) recently opened a new bridge on the Veloway. removing a dangerous intersection on this critical piece of cylcling infrastructure. The bridge was opened by the Hon Bart Mellish, alongside Mark Bailey, Joe Kelly and other dignitaries.

Andrew Demack, our Director of Advocacy, was at the bridge opening and was enthusiastic about the impacts it will have.

‘This bridge takes out a really dangerous crossing on O’Keefe street and the crossing with Carl street. Morning peak hour on Carl street was horrendous, and this new bridge takes all of that out.’

Instead, when you approach the city you now come in on a long loop under the main road, with a gentle gradient taking you onto the bridge and along the pre-existing parts of the V1 as you head north to the city.

‘East-west also has a connection, so if you are coming along from the Princess Alexandra Hospital you can come in from the northern side of the road, which you couldn’t in earlier designs. I’m so glad that the Queensland state government and TMR allowed that link to be part of the overall project. Of course, the next missing link is at Birdwood road, but they are working on a bridge for that as well.’

The Miles Government is investing a total of $315 million over the next four years, aiming to expand the cycling and walking paths in Queensland. This is a part of the $37.4 billion Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2024-25 to 2027-28. Projects included in this investment include the velobridge in Greenslopes and a Riverwalk expandsion at Kangaroo Point.

‘Every person who rides a bike or walks to work, school, to socialise or to go to the shops means less traffic and less pollution, and can also mean savings on transport costs,’ explained Minister Mellish. ‘It’s not only cheaper than using a car but it’s much better for your health and we think Queenslanders deserve world class active transport facilities.’

This new bridge represents an investment of $22.03 million, and we’re certain it has improved efficiency of the network and the safety for all users.

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