Riding the Revolution

Bicycle Queensland recently attended the launch of Riding the Revolution: A New Approach to Active Transport in South East Queensland. CEO Rebecca Randazzo spoke on a panel at the event about the importance of infrastructure and incentivising active travel.

The report details how the rise of e-bikes and increase of cyclists due to the coronavirus pandemic could assist in long-term active travel change. As stated in the report, ‘the paper outlines a new approach to active transport planning, one that will capture the current opportunity and create a new policy and administrative framework to drive change for years to come.’

Pictured: Kirsty Kelly (Chief Executive Officer of the AITPM), Rachel Nolan, (Executive Chair, The Mckell Institute Queensland), John Brannock (Adjunct Professor & Course Coordinator, Advanced Planning Practice, UQ), Rebecca Randazzo (Chief Executive Officer, Bicycle Queensland)


Bicycle Queensland is pleased to announce it has entered into an exciting partnership with Mater Foundation to propel the ico...

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Regional Queensland Tour Updates

Throughout August, Bicycle Queensland has been visiting our members and bike riding communities around Queensland. During thi...

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Stakeholders meet to discuss further development of Kingaroy to Kilkivan Rail Trail

On August 1, Bicycle Queensland met with the major stakeholders for the Kingaroy to Kilkivan Rail Trail. This included staff ...

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$6.5 Million Boost for Cycling and Walking Infrastructure in Queensland

Bicycle Queensland welcomes the recent announcement by the Queensland government for a commitment of over $6.5 million in loc...

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Bicycle Queensland announces Regional Forum Tour

Bicycle Queensland is pleased to announce a comprehensive regional tour scheduled for August. The tour, led by Bicycle Queens...

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