There are plenty of route planning options out there for riders wanting to get the safest or most scenic route. Whether you’re new to bicycle riding, just want to explore new routes, our tips below are sure to help you in planning your ride route.
Keep your rides short
Plan for rest stops at popular locations and keep up your fluids, particularly on hot days. The bikeways are often planned to link to connecting neighbourhoods and help provide some protection from the traffic, so look for tucked away coffee shops or playgrounds for kids to play. Look for the signage and follow the simple bike riding etiquette.
- Wear a helmet
- ring your bell or sound your intention
- keep left
- be predictable
- slow down and ride to the conditions
- Use the right technology
Google maps is the universal tool when it comes to route planning. With a little help from street view and the cycle path layer you can easily plan an enjoyable ride for any ability.
Open Cycle Maps provides an extensive number of nation-wide bikeways and off-road trails. The Open Cycling Map is based on data from the OpenStreetMap project. At low zoom levels it is intended for overviews of national cycling networks; at higher zoom levels it should help with planning which streets to cycle on, where you can park your bike and, where you can shelter in inclement weather. This global cycle map is much better for the off-road rider or those looking for experiences off the beaten track. You might also like to check out Trailforks and Strava route planning if you’re a little more serious about your riding and want grading for trails and inclines.
Ride with friends
If you don’t know the area very well it’s a great idea to ride with people who know the way. We think it’s beneficial to join a cycling club, join a local user group like Brisbane Bicycle Explorers Club or Brisbane Friendly Cyclists, or you can join Bicycle Queensland’s bike buddy program. Often these organised groups have identified speeds and include riders of all abilities. Remember, if you ever find yourself in a difficult situation, you can legally ride on the footpath if you always giveaway to pedestrians and ride at a safe speed.
Check out our video that goes a little deeper into planning your ride and visit our where to ride page that gives you some of our member’s favourite riding destinations and training loops.