Ride to learn
An active journey to school allows children to learn about their local area, develop their social networks, and gain independence.
Did you know school aged students require a minimum of 60 minutes per day to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Riding, walking, or scootering to and from school can help them to reach their requirement of physical activity each day. The number of children who are physically active each day has significantly declined over the last 50 years. In the 1970s, 8 out of 10 students rode or walked to school, but today the national average is only 2 out of 10.
Here’s BQ’s tips for riding to school
- Do some practice rides on the weekend so you and your child are comfortable with the ride and you know how long it will take.
- Review and complete our Bike Basics Series to get you moving safely and comfortably.
- You can ride on the footpath in Queensland as long as you give way to pedestrians.
- Choose the safest route, even if it’s a bit longer.
- Take a wet washer for a quick cool down and freshen up in summer.
- Part way is OK … Even parking the car 500–750m away from the school gate and walking the last five minutes still gives your children the opportunity to get a bit of fresh air and activity before they start their school day.
- Team up with neighbours or school mates.
- If you don’t have a bike – ride a scooter or just walk.
- Find a safe spot to lock the bike.
- Always wear a helmet.
- Some benefits of riding to school are:
- The more children who ride, scoot, or walk to school, the fewer cars there will be on the roads and the less traffic congestion there will be around schools.
- Students who actively travel arrive awake and alert—improving their concentration, recall, and ability to understand the material being taught.
- Physically active students are healthier, happier, and more socially connected. Physical activity is ranked second to tobacco control as the most important factor in disease prevention in Australia.
- Bike riding is a pollution-free mode of transport.
- Riding, walking, or scootering with your child gives you an opportunity to teach them road safety skills.