If you wish to leave a gift to Bicycle Queensland in your will, this creates an opportunity for you to make a lasting donation. All gifts are greatly appreciated and often a gift by will to Bicycle Queensland may be one of the largest gifts the organisation receives.
Suggested wording for your will
A gift in your will may be a specific gift (e.g. a sum of money or a particular asset such as shares, property, artwork etc) or a gift of residue (e.g. the balance of your estate after all estate liabilities have been paid).
Below are suggested clauses to include in your will if you wish to leave a gift to Bicycle Queensland. You may also wish to let your family know you have left a gift to Bicycle Queensland in your will. We recommend you seek assistance from your solicitor with the preparation of a will to ensure your wishes can be achieved and to ensure the appropriate wording to leave a gift to Bicycle Queensland is included.
Residuary Estate
I give [the whole / ____%*] of my residuary estate to Bicycle Queensland Limited (ACN 661 404 299). If Bicycle Queensland Limited (ACN 661 404 299) is not in existence at the date of my death but there has been a take-over, amalgamation or reconstruction of that company then the gift in this clause is a gift to that entity which as a result of the take-over, amalgamation or reconstruction carried on the undertaking of the company.
*Insert the amount to be gifted (e.g. the whole of the residuary estate, a percentage of the residuary estate etc).
Specific Gift
I give ________** to Bicycle Queensland Limited (ACN 661 404 299). If Bicycle Queensland Limited (ACN 661 404 299) is not in existence at the date of my death but there has been a take-over, amalgamation or reconstruction of that company then the gift in this clause is a gift to that entity which as a result of the take-over, amalgamation or reconstruction carried on the undertaking of the company.
**Insert the specific item to be gifted and if it is to be free of debt. For certainty, it will help if you provide a clear description of the item.
Monetary Gift
I give $ ________*** to Bicycle Queensland Limited (ACN 661 404 299). If Bicycle Queensland Limited (ACN 661 404 299) is not in existence at the date of my death but there has been a take-over, amalgamation or reconstruction of that company then the gift in this clause is a gift to that entity which as a result of the take-over, amalgamation or reconstruction carried on the undertaking of the company.
***Please complete monetary amount you wish to gift
Next steps
We invite you to contact us if you have any questions about Bicycle Queensland or leaving a gift/bequest to Bicycle Queensland in your will.
We welcome the opportunity to thank donors for their support, and if you contact us we would like to thank you and also know your wishes of how you would like Bicycle Queensland to use the gift.
You can contact us on:
Telephone: 07 3844 1144
Email: accounts@bq.org.au