A beginner’s guide to pump tracks

Queensland has some of the best pump tracks in Australia and often you’ll find them filled with all types of riders of all abilities wanting to have fun. We’ve put together a beginner’s guide to pump tracks, so keep reading to become pump track ready!

Pumptrack © Brisbane City Council 2020
© Brisbane City Council 2020

A pump track is a continuous track made up of rollers, jumps and berms that loops back onto itself allowing for some serious fun. For beginners, just rolling around the track makes for a fun experience and for more advanced riders, pump tracks allow for some serious skills training. Some of the best asphalted pump tracks in Brisbane are found at:

  1. Bracken Ridge: Telegraph Rd, Fitzgibbon
  2. Darra: 58 Monier Rd, Darra
  3. Browns Plains: Waller Park, Waller Rd, Browns Plains
  4. Macgregor: D.M. Henderson Park, 434 McCullough Street
  5. Meakin Park: Meakin Rd near, Queens Rd, Slacks Creek

If you’re looking for a full-body workout and want to develop some handy cycling skills, a pump track is perfect for you. Learn how to ride undulating terrain, improve your cornering, maintain momentum and improve your visibility skills.

When should I go to a pump track?

These pump tracks can be super busy on the weekends. If you want to avoid the crowds, go early when it’s a bit cooler or late when the lights are on. Just remember that the Brisbane City Council states that children under 12 must be supervised by a responsible adult and that safety is the responsibility of the user. Long pants, a shirt and covered shoes should be worn as well as appropriate safety equipment. We suggest conducting a quick bike check to ensure your ride is safe before taking on the pump track.  

If you’re new to pump tracks and want to get the most out of the experience, follow these basic tips.

  1. Balance your weight on the pedals – keep the ball of your foot just in front of the pedal spindle
  2. Control your speed – Not enough speed and you won’t get enough momentum. Too much speed and you’ll pay the price.
  3. Start with your arms – pull up the rollers and push down the rollers. This is the first part of the wave motion or ‘pump’
  4. Add some leg power – bend your knees as you bike moves under the roller. As you move down the back of the roller push down hard and feel the bike pick up speed.
  5. Focus on one part of the track you feel most comfortable with, and repeat…
Get out and explore all the different rides Queensland has to offer. Find out more in BQ’s Where to Ride page.
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