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More people cycling to work raises concern over end of trip facility standards

Queenslanders return to work frustrated that their end of trip facilities (EoT) are still closed and share concern...

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BQ x Cuore Limited Edition Jersey

We are proud to announce our newest partnership with CUORE of S...

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Bicentennial Bikeway changes from Monday 29 June

Early works to investigate ground conditions are in sections adjacent to the Bicentennial Bikeway, which may requi...

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$41 million available for bikeways across Queensland, says Bicycle Queensland

The Federal Government’s Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program has made $41 million available to local governments in Queensland, to be spent in the 20-21 financial year.

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Kids go back to school – on their bikes!

It looks like cycling could be here to stay post-pandemic as we see bicycle numbers soar in local schools. Ferny G...

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Bicycle Queensland push for bike shops as an essential service

When COVID-19 hit Queensland, Bicycle Queensland pro-actively put forward requests to keep bike shops open as essential services.

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Brisbane Valley Rail Trail draft strategic plan

Bicycle Queensland’s Director of Advocacy participated in the strategy workshop held in Esk in late 2019, and we have now submitted a response to the draft strategy.

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COVID-19 Guidelines regarding cycling from home

BQ's CEO successfully lobbied for no distance restrictions when cycling from home during COVID-19.

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