The emergence of e-scooters and other “rideables” highlights the imperative for Governments of all levels to work together towards a resilient, legible and attractive network for active transport users and rideables.
In our response to Brisbane City Council’s draft e-mobility strategy, Bicycle Queensland has:
- Called for BCC to revise its current planning for walking and cycling infrastructure in light of this e-mobility strategy
- Increase the investment level
- Review path widths on routes likely to carry significant numbers of rideables and e-bikes;
- And shorten the timeframes for delivering the network.
Bicycle Queensland has supported the e-mobility strategy’s directions, despite expressing safety concerns about e-scooters, as reported by BQ members since rideables were introduced in 2018. We are writing to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads to request a review of primary safety concerns around rideables, and to mandate turn indicators and brake lights on e-scooters.
View Bicycle Queensland’s response to the BCC draft strategy on e-mobility here, and CEO Rebecca Randazzo’s letter to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, The Hon Mark Bailey MP here.