The Bicycle Queensland (BQ) board and members gathered online on September 22 for the Annual General meeting. The Annual report can be accessed here.
BQ welcomes Richard Buning to the board. Richard has a love for all things cycling. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise both as a bike rider and academic expert in active lifestyle. In his role as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland Business school, his research interests reside at the intersection of physical activity, travel, and events. Outside of work, Richard can be found pursuing his passions of mountain biking, running, rock climbing, and hiking.
The board thanks departing directors, Rob van Manen, Audine Bartlett, and Craig Davis for their years of service to BQ. The board wishes to acknowledge the leadership, care, and commitment of Rob van Manen who has served as a management committee member, President, and Chair of BQ over the past four and half years.
Opening of the Mt Debatebale to Mundubbera rail trail.
The Boyne-Burnett Inland Rail Trail (BBIRT) is a great success story of grassroots actions by communities a long way away from the seat of power. Last weekend a second section was officially opened, 30km of trail from Mt Debateable to Mundubbera.
This is the “Bridges” section of the BBIRT, as the rail corridor runs beside the mighty Burnett River, and crosses the many creeks feeding the river as they run off Mt Gayndah and the Binjour Plateau. The bridges which cross these creeks are listed by Engineers Australia as being of heritage significance.
Unfortunately floods have seen off two of these bridges, Reid Creek and Philpott, making it difficult for the rail trail to run along the corridor the entire distance from Gayndah to Mundubbera. At present, the trail starts 10km out of town in Mt Debateable siding, as the Reid Creek crossing prevents the trail from connecting into Gayndah. However, there is a detour around the site, where the bridge across Philpott Creek once was, adding a few kilometres to the journey.
Like many Queensland rail trails, this is an adventure experience. There are sandy sections, bumpy sections, and a few steep pinches out of gullies. The trail is best suited to a mountain bike (e-mtb is becoming popular too).
But for the adventurous who attempt the Bridges section of the BBIRT, you are rewarded with great views, and several plaques marking historical sites of interest.
‘Packs and Pedals’ runs a shuttle service on the BBIRT, and they can help you explore either the Bridges section or the Tunnels section from Kalpowar to Ubobo in the Boyne Valley.
Wouldn’t it be great if regular bike riders (such as Bicycle Queensland members for instance) had somewhere local that they could drop off for recycling those consumable items of bike riding, such as tyres, tubes and chains?
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a central location for people who are interested in low-cost bike riding could access second-hand parts, especially those items such as cranks, saddles, seat posts, and wheels which often have a useful life long after they are no longer the latest and greatest.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was somewhere for mums and dads (such as Bicycle Queensland members for instance) to be able to donate children’s bikes and even adult bikes which are no longer needed but still have plenty of useful life ahead of them?
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a central training location in our largest regional city for bicycle shops to send trainee mechanics, which also had the side benefit of fixing up low-cost donated bikes to go to worthy recipients?
The City of Gold Coast is looking at all these ideas coming together in a cycling/recycling hub. The City’s Water and Waste team hosted the first public discussions on the idea this week, and Bicycle Queensland’s Director of Advocacy Andrew Demack was there to support the concept.
Also represented in industry and community meetings were bike retailers and manufacturers, as well as groups such as Men’s Sheds and community bike repair groups.
“Bicycle Queensland’s members have so much to contribute to this type of Council-led project,” Demack said.
“We are enthusiastically supporting this project and hope to see it move from concept to pilot as soon as possible. I am sure that there are local groups in Brisbane and all the major regional cities which would love to see councils engage in proactively promoting a circular economy approach to the bike industry and many other industries.
“Bikes are well-suited to be ahead of the curve on this because the bike riding community is already very engaged on sustainability and recycling,” Demack said.
We know that many of our members, friends, and neighbours have been impacted by the recent weather events experienced in South-East Queensland, South Burnett, Maryborough and Tweed regions. Our hearts go out to those impacted and who are currently displaced as the clean-up process continues.
Sadly, Bicycle Queensland’s Milton office has also suffered extensive damage. From everyone at BQ we would like to sincerely thank the volunteers who assisted in the clean-up over the last week. The job has been enormous.
With the office being submerged for three days, we have lost almost everything. We were able to salvage a few children’s bikes that are used in our education programs, and some shade marquees.
Our membership and event systems are all online and will continue to operate without interruption. Given we will be in recovery mode for some time, the Bicycle Queensland team is working remotely.
The best way to keep in touch with us is via email:
We are full speed ahead on the 2022 Brisbane to Gold Coast Cycle Challenge, to be held on its new date of Sunday 17 July. We hope you will support us in this year’s event as either a participant or sponsor. A sold-out event will expedite our recovery and get us “back on the bike” faster. If you would like to sign up for the 2022 Downer Brisbane to Gold Coast Cycle Challenge visit our website here or if you would like to sponsor the event contact
Also on track is the next round of Her Ride courses to encourage and give more skills to women bike riders. The next course will commence on Sunday 13 March. To sign up and support our HER RIDE initiative you can secure a spot here:
The road ahead is challenging. We will draw on our Queensland spirit, and remain positive and resilient staying connected to and servicing our members and the state remains our priority. We are determined to rebuild and continue our work to make Queensland the best place to ride a bike.
The Bicycle Queensland office at Lang Parade Milton has been impacted by the recent weather event. The office is closed with arrangements in place to work remotely whilst we wait for the water levels to subside.
The best way to get in touch with us for the next few days is by email. Like many of you, we will be working from home and navigating power outages over the coming days. We will endeavour to respond to your enquiries quickly.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to members who have been impacted in recent days.
We know that many of our Brisbane-based members will be keen to help with the clean-up of BQ HQ. But right at the moment, it’s not safe, so please don’t go to Milton.
We would love to have your assistance when the time comes. Stay tuned for when we know more!
As we approach the end of 2021 – a year that will be remembered for its challenges – BQ has shown such incredible resilience in managing the difficulties and confusion brought about by the pandemic. I wish to acknowledge the great work done by the BQ team to service members and drive our agenda on active travel, cycle tourism, road safety and the environment.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our members and valued volunteers for your ongoing support and engagement during 2021.
The BQ team will enjoy a well-earned break between December 21 and January 10 and return in 2022 focused on delivering key projects and how we best achieve our vision of more people riding more often. I want you to know that BQ will continue to do its part in making Queensland a great place to ride a bike, and we won’t stop looking for new opportunities to improve road safety.
I wish everyone who is part of the Bicycle Queensland community a peaceful, safe and happy festive season. As always to you, your families and loved ones, stay safe in these unique times and remember to find time to ride your bike.
If you need any tips to get through your summer of riding, check out our resources below.