Advocacy Press releases

CEO Message: The Queensland Election

Dear BQ Members,

The state government election now less than one week away.

In August and September, Bicycle Queensland met with members, people interested in cycling, communities and candidates across Queensland, advocating for a better deal for cyclists and scooter riders in the forthcoming election. We also wrote to the Minister and Shadow Minister for Transport and Main Roads to support better outcomes for riders through better policy, programs and funding. 

Our discussions focused on the 7 key improvements that governments can make. These are:

  1. Aim for 10% of trips by active transport by 2032 and commit 10% of the transport budget to making it happen.
  2. Fill in the missing links in the network.
  3. Maintain what is there already
  4. Improve signage for safety and wayfinding
  5. Look for cycle tourism opportunities
  6. Engage with users
  7. Build more shared paths and bikeways

In an election dominated by issues of youth crime, ambulance ramping, housing supply and the cost of living, cycling hasn’t rated much of a mention. When the major parties do talk about transport issues, its usually around “fixing” the Bruce highway and improving public transport. Big expensive items. Yet bike riding is for everyone everywhere and major improvements can be done for a fraction of the cost.

In the lead up to Saturday, we encourage everyone who has an interest in better outcomes for cycling and riding to contact their local candidates and let them know how important bike riding is to you and to all Queenslanders.




Can you try a week without driving?

At Bicycle Queensland we advocate for bike and e-scooter riders as we want to see more people riding, more often. This includes recreational use of bikes and e-scooters, but we also work to create a safer environment for riders. Our goal is to have more short trips taken by bike or e-scooter instead of via a car.

A Week Without Driving is a global initiative that can be undertaken anywhere, and Get Around Cabo Carfree are promoting the week locally around Caboolture and Morayfield – but you can take part anywhere.

The concept is pretty simple – go a week without using your car. But there are some nuances in that – the idea is you look at how you change the transport modes you use. Whether you walk, ride, use a scooter, or use public transport – all are great. And if you need to use a car – can you use a ride share? Or car pool?

Wendy Nash is the driving force behind Get Around Cabo Carfree, and the local Week Without Driving initiative.

This is a voluntary and self-managed initiative, over a week-long time frame from September 30 to October 6, 2024. So it’s a perfect amount of time to see what the impacts are like for your own transport.

Get Around Cabo Carfree have also got an optional scavenger hunt built into their week, where you use the Snap Send Solve app to report issues that create problems for those who rely on active transport networks. Be that people with a pram, mobility devices, walkers, bike riders, scooter riders or the elderly. More details are on their website.

‘The Week Without Driving concept started in 2021 in Washington State, in America,’ Wendy Nash of Get Around Cabo Carfree told BQ. ‘It was to make elected representatives aware of what it is like to not use or have access to a car.’

‘As soon as I saw that I knew it was exactly what we needed to do. Caboolture and surrounds is so car dependent, it really forces car ownership here. People don’t want to, and it costs them a fortune but they don’t really have any choice.’

A big part of the Week Without Driving initiative is raising awareness. Many of us are happy to get in our car for daily trips, and with 1.8 cars owned per household in Queensland, it certainly is a luxury we take for granted. And Wendy Nash expects a few hurdles for those who challenge themselves to try a week without driving.

‘It can be such a shock needing to get around without a car, until you are in that position. However the 50c public transport fares have been very popular and really make a difference, and the e-bike and e-scooter subsidies are great.’

At the launch, we heard from a few speakers who cannot drive due to health conditions, or who had a long time without being able to drive due to injury. In their region, it makes them very aware of inadequate infrastructure around footpaths and bikeways, and also access to public transport.

Belinda Ward, from Space for Cycling Brisbane, was at the launch and welcomed the initiative.

‘This is a good challenge and it will make people think about how they get around. With ther 50c public transport fares right now, people can look at how they may take the trips they need to do. Once you look at ways you can get around without a car, you start to appreciate that it can be really difficult for people who don’t have one. But on a bike, I can get exactly where I need to go, on my own schedule – it’s easy.’

Of course, Belinda had some advice for those who may look to do a week without driving from September 30 – October 6 (and beyond!).

‘It can be daunting if you think you need to ride the same places where you ride, because a lot of the roads we drive on are pretty horrifying. So you need to work out how to get the places you need to go on safer routes that aren’t the ways you would go when you drive.’

Bicycle Queensland recommends trying the bike route selection on Google Maps, or for your route planning.

Sometimes the biggest barrier to change is starting – and here at Bicycle Queensland, we think the Week Without Driving initiative may be the perfect time to see what trips you can do without your car.

Are you a Bicycle Queensland member? Membership includes thorough insurance while you ride or use an e-scooter, plus extensive member benefits. Find out more here.


Updates from Bicycle Queensland’s 2024 Regional Tour

Throughout August and September 2024, Bicycle Queensland hit the road, visiting Queensland’s regions between Cairns and Coolangatta.  This was an essential follow up after Bicycle Queensland’s  CEO Alton Twine and Director of Advocacy Andrew Demack visited the regions of Queensland in March, to meet with members, bike riders and councils to hear about concerns, opportunities and success stories. 

During these visits in August and September, Bicycle Queensland were able to update members and riders on progress that has been made in advocacy for bike and e-scooter riding around the state. But more importantly, it gave us an opportunity to follow up on specific issues,  and hear from people who couldn’t connect with us earlier in the year. 

‘Queensland’s regions are of high importance to Bicycle Queensland, and I feel personally committed to helping to improve the safety and opportunity for bike and e-scooter riders all around Queensland,’ said Bicycle Queensland’s CEO Alton Twine. ‘Growing up in Townsville, I remember seeing Flinders street flooded with bikes in the afternoon as railway workshop employees clocked off. The climate and topography hasn’t changed since then – but infrastructure around the state has, meaning many of us are defaulting to cars for short trips. We need to make sure riding a bike, e-scooter or walking for short trips is a safe, comfortable and sustainable choice.’  

There are numerous challenges across the regions of Queensland. There is no denying that as a vast state, creating connected active transport networks beyond regional centres is difficult. However we did see the foundations of some excellent networks in place in different corners of the state, and we have helped to facilitate positive steps towards improvements on networks in other areas. 

Bicycle Queensland also heard about the success of fantastic community initiatives, from Bike Buses for school drop off and pick up, through to marked and mapped bikepacking routes. Rail trails were high on the agenda, and Bicycle Queensland are putting our expertise together in a conference this November, to suit those regions who want to get their feasibility study around a disused rail corridor off the shelf, moving towards a rideable trail. 

‘Any unused rail corridor has potential to be an excellent piece of infrastructure for bike riding, walking or even horse riding,’ said Andrew Demack, Bicycle Queensland’s Director of Advocacy. ‘Rail trails provide safe, relatively flat connections between communities. Time and time again we hear stories about how diverse user groups on rail trails are, and that runs true from the Tweed through to the Atherton Tablelands.’ 

One of the leading concerns that came from almost every meeting held was a change in awareness of rules that relate to bike riders on the road. While we are still compiling our key focus points for each region, state-wide we will be working on a renewed push for awareness of road rules and how they relate to those riding a bike – for both bike rider0, e-scooter riders and motorists.  

Bicycle Queensland will continue to work with Queensland’s diverse regions to create better outcomes for bike and e-scooter riders. If you want to stay up to date, make sure you sign up for our monthly e-newsletter. Or show your support via joining Bicycle Queensland

Photo: Flow MTB

Advocacy Press releases

Queensland Government adds e-bikes and e-scooters to Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy

There is great news for bike riders and scooter riders – any Queenslander buying a new approved e-bike or e-scooter from Monday September 23, 2024 will get a $500 rebate on their e-bike, or $200 rebate on their e-scooter.

After almost two years of advocating with the department of Transport and Main Roads on this issue, Bicycle Queensland are happy to share the exciting news that the Queensland Government have updated their Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy, introducing the rebate for e-mobility devices: e-bikes and e-scooters. 

The Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy has provided rebates for electric cars, which, whilst helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, do little to reduce traffic congestion on Queensland’s roads. Bicycle Queensland welcomes the inclusion of these modes into the policy.

E-scooter insurance

E-Bikes and E-Scooters make mobility easy. Making them more affordable will help boost these modes, making it easier for more Queenslanders to ride more often. We constantly hear from our members that these devices are a “game changer” for many, allowing people to extend their rides, deal with difficult hills, and get to and from work more comfortably. For many older riders, they allow people to ride longer and with less stress on ageing bodies. 

The $1 million rebate scheme will deliver $500 and $200 rebates for approved e-bikes and e-scooters for Queenslanders, sold via a retailer or eligible online stores. You can find your local BQ Link store via our Store Locator. As of Monday September 30 – another $1 million has been added to the rebate fund.

Understanding the rebate scheme

The Queensland Government have published a thorough outline of the e-bike and e-scooter rebate scheme, which can be read online.

To be eligible, you need to purchase your e-bike or e-scooter on or after September 23, 2024 – this cannot be a retrospective rebate. You need to be an individual – this isn’t for sole traders or businesses. You must also be a Queensland resident and 18 or over. The purchase needs to be from an eligible retailer. That means any retail business in Queensland, or an Australian online business operating under an active Australian Business Number (ABN).

What e-bikes and e-scooters are eligible?

Not every e-bike or e-scooter is eligible. It must be new – not second hand or reconditioned. It must also comply with the definition of an e-scooter or e-bike (see below). The motorised speed must be limited to 25km/h via either software or hardware, and include a battery management system. And lastly, the supplied charger needs to have a regulatory compliance mark and be registered on the Electrical Equipment Safety System national database.

For an e-scooter to be eligable, it needs to be designed for just one person to use, with either a wheel fore and aft, or two wheels at the front and one at the back or vice versa. The electric motor cannot propel the scooter beyonod 25km/h, and steering must be via handlebars (not a wheel). There needs to be a footboard (not a seat) and the total length cannot exceed 1250mm. The e-scooter must be no more than 700mm wide and 1350mm high. It cannot weigh more than 60kg.

The scheme primarily suits the most common e-bikes that have a maximum continuous rated power of 250W, where the output is progressively reduced as speed goes from 6km/h to 25 km/h. This is the standard performance of e-bike systems from Yamaha, Shimano, Brose, Specialized, SRAM, Bosch, TQ and Ananda systems, amongst some lesser known systems.

They can also be power-assisted bikes that have one (or more) electric auxiliary motors with a maximum output (or combined output) of no more than 200W. They cannot go faster than 6km/h under motor only, and need to cut motor assistance at 25km/h when being pedalled. They cannot include an internal combustion engine.

The rebate scheme is not valid for e-bike conversion kits.

Eligible applicants can only receive one rebate, and a maximum of three people per household can receive a rebate.

More details can be found on the Queensland Government website.

Queensland’s 50c Public Transport to continue

The announcement earlier this year that the Queensland Government would undertake a 6-month trial of 50c fares for public transport was welcomed by Bicycle Queensland. Making public transportation more affordable is a step in the right direction toward reducing congestion and promoting sustainable travel options.  

Whilst public transport use has increased most markedly in the south-east corner, around the state patronage has typically increased between 8-15%. Rail has been the big winner in south east Queensland, with a reported 26.5% increase in patronage after the first month of the initiative. 

On the weekend Premier Steven Miles said that the government would keep the 50c fares post-election. Opposition Leader David Crisafulli said that the LNP would keep the commitment for cheaper public transport if his party won at the state election in October. Bicycle Queensland welcomes this bipartisan support for this great public transport initiative. 

We understand from media reports that this cost for subsidising public transport 50 cent fares has been estimated to be approximately $300 million a year, although it may end up less if patronage grows.  

By way of comparison, the Queensland Government has committed $315 million over four years for walking and bike riding in their transport budget. 

Bike riding, e-scooter riding and walking typically go hand-in-hand with more public transport use to allow for properly connected routes. At Bicycle Queensland, we would encourage further investment in walking and riding infrastructure so Queenslanders can make the best use of the ongoing subsidies for public transport. 

Cycling and micromobility has a very real role in supporting more public transport trips, particularly as part of the “door to door” customer experience. Many park-and-ride facilities on the public transport network are already full or close to capacity, so alternatives need to be considered. Additional investment in secure bike parking, and investing in greater capacity for carrying bikes on trains would help. 

‘Having ongoing discounted public transport as a bipartisan promise for the coming state election is a positive step for all Queenslanders,’ stated Bicycle Queensland’s CEO Alton Twine. ‘We encourage all parties to match this additional $300 million investment in public transport with investment in active transport, to make the best use of the incentives and opportunities.’ 

Interestingly, the Household Travel Survey data from the Department of Transport and Main Roads shows that there are double the number of people riding bikes compared to using trains in Southeast Queensland, despite the significantly lesser investment in active transport. 

Can you imagine the increase in mode share for cycling and micromobility if a similar level of investment to public transport was applied? 

With the state election looming, Bicycle Queensland encourages you to engage with the candidates in your area to find out what they are doing to improve cycling in your region. 

You can support Bicycle Queensland’s Advocacy work by becoming a member.


Bicycle Queensland supports completion of the Samford Cycle Link

The Samford to Ferny Grove Cycle Link has had two stages built, connecting Ferny Grove Station to Samford via the old rail line corridor on Lanita Ave and McLean Road South. After crossing Camp Mountain Road, the route connects along McLean Road North and into a shared path before meeting the end of Peterson Road. At this point the rail corridor is now privately owned, and the route then climbs two hills on Peterson Road, before turning left atop a crest back onto Camp Mountain Road, with no continous shoulder to the narrow bridge over Oliver’s Crossing, and into Samford via a path and crossing at the roundabout with Samford-Dayboro Road.

Get more details around supporting the Cycle Link completion.

When opened, Bicycle Queensland were disappointed with the final stretch, as it adds distance, hills, and greater exposure with motor vehicles compared to a lot of the route.

The property on the old rail corridor on Peterson Road is now for sale privately, creating an opportunity for Transport and Main Roads to complete to the Samford Cycle Link, or for the City of Moreton Bay to do the same.

Bicycle Queensland’s Director of Advocacy Andrew Demack met with local resident Harry Audus and Brisbane North Bicycle User Group (BUG) President Andrew Methorst to promote the action that is possible for TMR or MBCC.

WATCH the discussion and join the conversation on Facebook

‘When this was opened, we thought the first 80% was brilliant, but the last bit into Samford could do with some work,’ said Demack.

‘This is such a fantastic bike way, but Peterson Road as it stands is terrible for anybody except the most fit cyclist, and it is unsafe as the sight lines are poor and the main road further on is not really safe to cycle on,’ Harry Audus told BQ. ‘So this is great, the property is for sale, council could buy it and main roads could use the property to extend the bike way.’

The property leads all the way to Samford Road at the bottom of the range, so a crossing would be required in the 60km/h zone, with access over the bridge and onto Cash Avenue, which leads to the heart of Samford.

At the time of the original project, property resumptions were suggested but justifiably shelved. But this sale presents an excellent opportunity. The current route on Peterson and Camp Mountain road is not a safe route for families, young riders or less experienced riders. A proper bike link would reduce congestion in Samford and solve a missing link in this network. Alternative plans have been suggested around carrying on over Peterson Road to Wights Mountain Road (as on the Principle Cycle Network) or making a separated path all the way along Camp Mountain Road from the end of McLean Road South. However, the direct link to Samford should be the priority route, while these other bikeways can work with the main route to offer better access to Wights Mountain, Samford Valley and Highvale – along with safe connections for Samford State School and Samford Steiner School.

‘On behalf of Brisbane North BUG, Bicycle Queensland members who live in Samford and Bicycle Queensland’s perspective, we would really love to see this link upgraded. The first bit is brilliant, but from Peterson Road to Camp Mountain Road through to Samford is substandard, it is not a good bike way,’ Demack stated.

‘We really need this to be finished, to become a proper cycle link. It would link into Cash Avenue which takes you right into the heart of Samford Village.

‘One of the benefits of following a rail alignment… is that they are flat, more or less,’ added Andrew Methorst. ‘It is a win for everyone who can ride, even if they aren’t as confident they don’t need to ride with traffic, so the old railway alignments are fantastic bike ways.’

Bicycle Queensland encourages both the City of Moreton Bay and Transport and Main Roads to consider completing the Samford Cycle Link, to promote better connectivity within this community and towards Ferny Grove.


$6.5 Million Boost for Cycling and Walking Infrastructure in Queensland

Bicycle Queensland welcomes the recent announcement by the Queensland government for a commitment of over $6.5 million in local council grants. The grants are aimed at improving bike riding and walking networks across Queensland. The funding is expected to support 31 new cycling projects and 16 new walking initiatives over the next two years. Earlier this year Bicycle Queensland asked local governments to increase funding to cycling infrastructure and programs. This announcement from the state certainly helps local governments across Queensland achieve this aim with co-investment under this program. 

These grants, allocated through the Cycle Network Local Government Grants and Walking Local Government Grants programs, are part of the record $37.4 billion Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) for 2024-25 to 2027-28.

The funding will facilitate the development of priority bike routes and walking network plans, addressing key locations such as schools, public transport hub, and town centres. From the Gold Coast to Torres Shire, these projects will include the creation of shared paths, crossings, and comprehensive planning efforts.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Bart Mellish also highlighted the benefits of this funding: “Queenslanders deserve world-class active transport facilities. Every person who rides a bike or walks to work, school, or leisure reduces traffic congestion, cuts pollution, and saves on transport costs. This round of funding will support the delivery of new cycling and walking projects statewide, ensuring more Queenslanders can safely and efficiently reach their destinations.”

Bicycle Queensland CEO Alton Twine praised the announcement, stating, “This investment will help Queensland become a leader in active transport. Enhanced cycling and walking infrastructure not only improves connectivity but also promotes healthier lifestyles and a more sustainable environment. We are thrilled to see such progressive support for our vision of more people riding more often.”

Grants in action

Eligable projects in the grant submissions included off-road exclusive use bikeways, aeparated bikeways, off-road shared paths, bicycle streets, mid or end of trip facilities and on-road facilities such as bike lans, line marking or shoulder widening.

Notable projects
– Active transport lighting – Fig Tree Point Park (Brisbane)
– Separated bikeway- Sylvan Rd: Miskin-Land St (Brisbane)
– Design shared path – Opal st to Botanic Gardens (Central Highlands)
– Construct shared path – Boat Harbour Drive to Old Mayrborough Rd (Fraser Coast)
– Construct shared path – Parksville Drive to Kahler Close (Gladstone)
– Construct shared path – Short St to Riddle St (Goondiwindi)

All the successful grants can be viewed online.

T0 support our advocacy, gain cycling insurance and many other benefits – join BQ today.

Press releases

Bicycle Queensland announces Regional Forum Tour

Bicycle Queensland is pleased to announce a comprehensive regional tour scheduled for August. The tour, led by Bicycle Queensland CEO Alton Twine and Director of Advocacy Andrew Demack, aims to engage with local Bicycle Queensland members, bike riders, the bike industry, tourism bodies, schools, universities and regional councils across Queensland.

The Regional Forum Tour underscores Bicycle Queensland’s commitment to advocating for cycling as a vital component of community health, sustainable transport, and tourism opportunities for the state of Queensland. Throughout the tour, Alton Twine and Andrew Demack will meet with stakeholders to discuss the benefits of cycling, effective transport planning, and the significant impact of cycling on local economies and community well-being.


Confirmed locations are in our Events Listing.

August 5, 7pm: Cairns – Cairns Library Meeting Rooms, 151 Abbott Road
August 6, noon: Atherton – Atherton Community Centre, 16A Robert Road
August 6, 6pm: Innisfail – Community Support Centre, 13-17 Donald Street
August 7, 6pm: Townsville – Franks Pizza Napoli, 3 Ross River Road
August 12, 6pm: Noosaville
August 13, 6pm: Redcliffe
August 14, 6pm: Toowoomba
August 19, 6pm: Mackay
August 20, noon: Yeppoon
August 20, 6pm: Rockhampton
August 21. 6pm: Bundaberg

September 2: Gold Coast
September 3: Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan
September 4: Redlands
September 5: Scenic Rim

(Exact locations are being finalised – email for specific locations)

CEO Alton Twine expressed enthusiasm about the upcoming tour, stating, “This tour provides an excellent opportunity for us to connect directly with our members, local leaders, and candidates. Cycling plays a crucial role in enhancing the liveability of our communities, promoting active lifestyles, and reducing traffic congestion. We look forward to discussing these important issues and advocating for better cycling infrastructure and policies.”

Bicycle Queensland would like to thank the Queensland government for their support in running this tour, so we can understand the trends and challenges facing bike riding and micromobility. Bicycle Queensland aims to work with the Department of Transport and Main Road to communicate the investment opportunities around bike infrastructure and actions to best serve BQ members, stakeholders and communities.