
Bicycle Queensland calls for action on high-powered e-bikes

Bicycle Queensland (BQ) has released a new position statement calling for stronger regulation of high-powered e-bikes, which do not comply with Australian standards and pose significant safety risks on shared pathways and roads around Queensland and Australia.

Read all of Bicycle Queensland’s position statements

The rapid rise of these illegal devices—capable of speeds up to 60km/h and beyond purely via throttle—has sparked public concern across the state, with residents and authorities alarmed by their presence in shared-use environments. By law, e-bikes must stick to the EN19154 standard, which mandates a 250W maximum for continuous power, along with pedal assist limited to a maximum of 25km/h, amongst other inclusions. Brush up on Queensland’s e-bike regulations.

BQ CEO Alton Twine emphasised the urgency of addressing this issue:

“Safety must come first. High-powered e-bikes that exceed legal limits create unnecessary risks for both riders and the wider community. We need clear regulations and enforcement to ensure that only safe, compliant devices are on our streets and pathways.”

BQ is calling for restrictions on the import and sale of non-compliant e-bikes, better public education on legal e-bike use, and greater enforcement measures to curb the misuse of high-powered devices which are only legal to be used on private property.

Everything you need to know about e-bikes

At the same time, BQ remains a strong advocate for legal pedal-assist e-bikes, which meet the Australian standard and offer a sustainable transport alternative. Advocacy Director Andrew Demack highlighted their benefits:

Pedal-assist e-bikes are an incredible transport solution. They help more people ride further, reduce congestion, and improve public health. We must ensure that the future of e-mobility is built on safe and legal technology. The rapid uptake by Queenslanders of the e-bike and e-scooter rebates in late 2024 show just how popular legal e-bikes and e-scooters are.”

Bicycle Queensland will continue working with government, industry, and community stakeholders to push for reforms that promote safe and sustainable transport choices.

You can read our complete position statement here.


North Brisbane Bikeway – Stage 5 announcement and reactions

Earlier in February it was revealed that Brisbane City Council had decided on the final route for Stage 5 of the North Brisbane Bikeway. This is an important link connecting the CBD with Brisbane’s northern suburbs. The consultation process has taken many years, and Bicycle Queensland has been involved throughout the consultation, along with the Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) in the area.

Read the news from Brisbane City Council

A concept design was released in 2021, connecting Kedron Brook bikeway via Dickson and Jackson streets.

‘Bicycle Queensland and the Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) have always been keen for the route to continue along Dickson Street and cross through Eagle Junction before going down Jackson Street to Kedron Brook bike way,’ explained Andrew Demack, BQ’s Director of Advocacy. The Community Working Group and local councillor, Cr Julia Dixon, did raise concerns about the Price Street to Kedron Brook route. There were also two petitions from the community, opposing a safe and direct active transport link on the proposed route. The Kent road concept from 2018 has been chosen as the preferred option.

‘The new plan that has been announced goes via Price Street, Kent Street, Park Road and on to Brooke Road,’ said Andrew Demack once the news was announced. ‘So it zig-zags towards Kedron Brook bikeway. It’s really good because it goes past a school, so this link enables more kids to ride to school. It is not as direct as the original alignment that BQ and the Bicycle User Groups have been calling for. We really think that the direct alignment is the most useful transport alignment.’

As it stands, Dickson street is a direct connection – but not suitable for all users as it stands.

‘A very confident rider could ride along Dickson street as it is, but it is a door zone and unpleasant for most people. The fact that the separated bike way stops 500m before Eagle Junction is a real barrier for people.’

‘The newly announced changes are good for school transport, but this isn’t the best transport outcome,’ Andrew Demack continued. ‘Bicycle Queensland would like to see the best transport outcome to be what is finally built. This proposed link remains a good link from the high-quality North Brisbane bikeway to the Kedron Brook bikeway that includes access to a school. However this is not the solution that delivers a high-quality link through Eagle Junction to Kedron Brook bikeway.’

Bicycle Queensland’s CEO Alton Twine wrote to Cr Ryan Murphy to express how Bicycle Queensland, the Bicycle User Groups, and over 12000 BQ members felt about the decision.

Cr Murphy acknowledged the difficulties for the 5th stage of the North Brisbane bikeway – from concept through to construction.

‘As Transport Chair, I carefully reviewed each of the proposed alignments and found that they had their own technical strengths and weaknesses, as well as differing levels of support within the community. No option was perfect.’

It seems that despite the results of the community consultation, at the end of the day the decision has been made according to “broader concerns” raised by Local State MP Tim Nicholls and local Councillor Dixon, as noted in the response to petitioners provided by BCC. We are not sure what these concerns actually are.

‘I understand that some of your members will likely be disappointed in this outcome. However, it’s important that Council listens to community stakeholders, and makes adjustments when required, as we have here.’

‘This alignment will strike a balance that will allow cyclists to traverse the North Brisbane Bikeway in its entirety, while minimising negative impacts on the local community.’

If you have feedback, we encourage you to write to the local councillor, Cr Julia Dixon:

You can also sign a petition to make Dickson Street safer for bike and e-scooter riding.


Advocacy Update: February 10th 2025

Lots has been going on in 2025 so far, including Bicycle Queensland’s first meeting with both the Regional Bicycle User Groups, and the Brisbane Metropolitan area Bicycle User Groups.

All about Bicycle User Groups (BUGs).

We’re working on finalising our position papers on high-powered e-bikes that don’t meet Australian standards, and much more!

If you have more questions, email us at or call the office on 07 3844 1144.