
North Brisbane Bikeway – Stage 5 announcement and reactions

Earlier in February it was revealed that Brisbane City Council had decided on the final route for Stage 5 of the North Brisbane Bikeway. This is an important link connecting the CBD with Brisbane’s northern suburbs. The consultation process has taken many years, and Bicycle Queensland has been involved throughout the consultation, along with the Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) in the area.

Read the news from Brisbane City Council

A concept design was released in 2021, connecting Kedron Brook bikeway via Dickson and Jackson streets.

‘Bicycle Queensland and the Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) have always been keen for the route to continue along Dickson Street and cross through Eagle Junction before going down Jackson Street to Kedron Brook bike way,’ explained Andrew Demack, BQ’s Director of Advocacy. The Community Working Group and local councillor, Cr Julia Dixon, did raise concerns about the Price Street to Kedron Brook route. There were also two petitions from the community, opposing a safe and direct active transport link on the proposed route. The Kent road concept from 2018 has been chosen as the preferred option.

‘The new plan that has been announced goes via Price Street, Kent Street, Park Road and on to Brooke Road,’ said Andrew Demack once the news was announced. ‘So it zig-zags towards Kedron Brook bikeway. It’s really good because it goes past a school, so this link enables more kids to ride to school. It is not as direct as the original alignment that BQ and the Bicycle User Groups have been calling for. We really think that the direct alignment is the most useful transport alignment.’

As it stands, Dickson street is a direct connection – but not suitable for all users as it stands.

‘A very confident rider could ride along Dickson street as it is, but it is a door zone and unpleasant for most people. The fact that the separated bike way stops 500m before Eagle Junction is a real barrier for people.’

‘The newly announced changes are good for school transport, but this isn’t the best transport outcome,’ Andrew Demack continued. ‘Bicycle Queensland would like to see the best transport outcome to be what is finally built. This proposed link remains a good link from the high-quality North Brisbane bikeway to the Kedron Brook bikeway that includes access to a school. However this is not the solution that delivers a high-quality link through Eagle Junction to Kedron Brook bikeway.’

Bicycle Queensland’s CEO Alton Twine wrote to Cr Ryan Murphy to express how Bicycle Queensland, the Bicycle User Groups, and over 12000 BQ members felt about the decision.

Cr Murphy acknowledged the difficulties for the 5th stage of the North Brisbane bikeway – from concept through to construction.

‘As Transport Chair, I carefully reviewed each of the proposed alignments and found that they had their own technical strengths and weaknesses, as well as differing levels of support within the community. No option was perfect.’

It seems that despite the results of the community consultation, at the end of the day the decision has been made according to “broader concerns” raised by Local State MP Tim Nicholls and local Councillor Dixon, as noted in the response to petitioners provided by BCC. We are not sure what these concerns actually are.

‘I understand that some of your members will likely be disappointed in this outcome. However, it’s important that Council listens to community stakeholders, and makes adjustments when required, as we have here.’

‘This alignment will strike a balance that will allow cyclists to traverse the North Brisbane Bikeway in its entirety, while minimising negative impacts on the local community.’

If you have feedback, we encourage you to write to the local councillor, Cr Julia Dixon:

You can also sign a petition to make Dickson Street safer for bike and e-scooter riding.

Partner News

Bicycle Queensland partner with See.Sense

Bicycle Queensland has started a new partnership with See.Sense, a cycling technology and data company, aimed at enhancing riding safety across the state. This collaboration combines high quality lights with the ability to report incidents and conditions on your bike routes.

See.Sense’s bike lights are equipped with advanced sensors and connectivity features, designed to help riders stay visible and safe in all conditions. The lights use patented technology to react to their environment, flashing brighter and faster at riskier moments. See.Sense lights are also daylight visible and help riders stay seen by motorists, pedestrians, and other riders whether riding day or night.

But what sets these lights apart is their ability to connect with the See.Sense app, enabling riders to report incidents or hazards they encounter on their rides, as well as access connected features like crash and theft alerts and personal stats. The app provides a platform for riders to make reports about any issues encountered on their ride such as a close pass, potholes, obstruction, or other factors that may impact safety.

In time, this feedback will be shown on a data dashboard on the BQ website and will contribute to better-informed advocacy and decision-making when it comes to improving cycling infrastructure, offering a unique opportunity for riders to directly shape their environment. Aggregated and depersonalised data insights will also be accessible to other partners such as TMR and local councils to help improve conditions for cycling.  The data sharing is private, and riders can choose whether or not to opt in. Even if you don’t own See.Sense lights, you can use the See.Sense app to report any issues and record your rides.

This partnership is a natural progression for Bicycle Queensland. By collaborating with See.Sense, BQ is taking a proactive role in improving cycling safety through innovation and technology and using our member base to gain input as to conditions faced by people riding, and what facilities need maintenance. It offers a chance for riders to be individual advocates for infrastructure in their local area.

“Safety is at the heart of everything we do,” said Bicycle Queensland CEO, Alton Twine. “By working with See.Sense, we’re not only providing our members with great pricing for a practical tool to improve their safety, but we’re also contributing to a larger effort to gather data that can help shape safer roads and cycling infrastructure for everyone. This partnership will make riding more secure, connected, and enjoyable.”

“At See.Sense we want to enable more people to cycle more often. Through this partnership with BQ, we’re excited to provide insights that will shape safer, smarter roads for everyone. Together, we can create a better cycling experience for Queensland”, says See.Sense CEO, Philip McAleese. 

As part of the partnership, BQ members will receive an exclusive 30% discount on See.Sense’s innovative range of smart bike lights, designed to enhance visibility, provide incident reporting, and tailor lighting output to suit varying conditions. These lights are not just about brightening the road ahead and being visible – they are part of a larger effort to make riding safer and smarter. Log in to the BQ Portal to access the discount code.

Advocacy Press releases

Bikeway dismount hours amended to allow evening commute

The Sono Lumo lights festival at Star Casino is causing an issue for bike and scooter riders who use the Bicentennial Bikeway. The event organisers had required that riders must dismount from 4-11pm to travel through the Festival area at Queen’s Wharf.

Bicycle Queensland CEO Alton Twine said: “It is unacceptable to require bike riders to dismount on their commute home on Brisbane’s busiest bikeway. The timing applied to date is simply too restrictive. We’ve heard from plenty of members who are having to find other routes to bypass this event.”

There has been also significant protest about this blockage from Brisbane CBD BUG and Space4Cycling.

BQ had earlier spoken to Destination Brisbane Consortium before the festival began, and had offered a solution that would enable commuters to continue to ride through the space (Queen’s Wharf Plaza) which bisects the Bicentennial Bikeway at the new casino, until the end of the evening peak. 

Today BQ spoke with organisers of the event and let them know of the concerns of the cycling community, asking for a push-back on the timing that will at least allow for the evening commute to occur without interruption. Star Casino have agreed to not enforce the dismount until it is necessary for safety reasons, and have asked all bike riders to please ride slowly through the event zone. BQ’s understanding is that the requirement to dismount will now be after the evening peak. We remain concerned about this situation and will continue to monitor it until we have an outcome that allows people using this space for active transport to do so safely and conveniently. 

At the heart of the issue is the poor design choices made in this area when part of this transport corridor was surrendered to become part of this precinct. The State could have kept the bikeway separate to the multi-use area, but have compromised both the integrity of the corridor and the safety of all users by choosing not to. When an event like Sono Lumo comes along, this failure becomes all too evident.

BQ has also raised with Destination Brisbane Consortium our concern over the rumble strips placed on the bikeway near Queens Wharf Plaza without consultation with any bike groups. We believe that these strips are unnecessary, and a safety concern especially for e-scooter riders.  This is an on-going concern and we have no news to report on that matter.

It is clear that Queens Wharf Plaza must have an uninterrupted path for bike riders that can be ridden safely and conveniently 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. It is part of the Bicentennial Bikeway, the most popular bike route into Brisbane’s CBD.

Events Press releases

Bicycle Queensland celebrate 2024

Bicycle Queensland (BQ) held a memorable end-of-year function at Queensland’s Parliament House, bringing together key figures from local and state government, industry partners, BQ’s Board of Directors and Chair, staff, Bicycle User Groups (BUGs), and long-time members to celebrate the achievements of the past year and to set the stage for future advocacy for bike and scooter riding in Queensland.

The event, which took place on the evening of 21 November, was a vibrant gathering of passionate riders, policy makers and industry leaders, all united by their shared commitment to making riding safer, more accessible, and more integrated into Queensland’s transport landscape.

A Night of Reflection and Forward Momentum

BQ’s CEO Alton Twine kicked off the evening thanking attendees for their support and outlining the significant strides made in riding infrastructure, policy, and community engagement over the past year. From expanding safe cycling routes to advocating for stronger local government partnerships, Twine praised the collective efforts that have seen cycling continue to grow as a sustainable and healthy transport option across the state.

“We’ve achieved a lot together this year,” Alton Twine said. “But there’s still more work to be done. We are just getting started, and with the support of all our partners here tonight, I have no doubt we’ll continue to make Queensland a safer and more connected place for riding.”

Bicycle Queensland’s Chair, Rachel Nolan, spoke to attendees about how essential the work that BQ does is for future proofing Queensland’s cities and regions. Of key importance, Nolan said, the fact that active transport needs to be the basis for connection for Brisbane 2032 – not an add on.

BQ also acknowledged the role of local and state governments in advancing the cause of cycling. With several elected officials in attendance, including Brisbane City Council’s Ryan Murphy, the event served as an opportunity to further strengthen relationships and discuss future initiatives aimed at improving riding infrastructure and safety.

Graham Turner of the Flight Centre Group was also in attendance, and spoke to the guests about his concerns in the e-mobility space, specifically around the high-powered e-bikes and scooters that are well beyond the legislated limits. “These are actually electric motor bikes,” Turner said, with suggestions to change the retailing and use of the bikes for improved safety in Queensland. Bicycle Queensland are working on a position statement to put forward in this regard.

A Lifetime of Advocacy

The event was also a chance to award Life Memberships. Ben Wilson and Lisa Davies-Jones were both awarded Bicycle Queensland Life Memberships for their service to Bicycle Queensland. Ben Wilson was on hand to receive his from Rachel Nolan.

As the evening continued, attendees shared ideas and made connections through an informal networking session. The evening left a sense of optimism and shared purpose as those involved in the riding movement look forward to another year of progress.

You can read through Bicycle Queensland’s Annual Report and Strategy document in our Governance section.


Avoiding the ABC of bicycle riding: abrasions, bruises and cuts

The Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q) are assessing new cycling clothing that is designed to reduce injuries from falls or crashes. The research seeks to understand current clothing choices among bike riders, your riding experiences, and related injuries. The later steps will include laboratory tests of the garments, followed by rider tests of wearability.

The Principal Researcher is Professor Narelle Haworth from the School of Psychology & Counselling, QUT, with Associate Researcher Professor Ronald Schroeter from the School of Psychology & Counselling, QUT

CARRS-Q are looking for people who are 18 or over, in Australia, who have ridden a bike in the past year. There is an anonymous survey to complete, and you can enter a prize draw to win one of four $250 gift vouchers. The survey closes on 1st February 2025.

Head to this link to find out more details.

Advocacy Press releases

CEO Message: The Queensland Election

Dear BQ Members,

The state government election now less than one week away.

In August and September, Bicycle Queensland met with members, people interested in cycling, communities and candidates across Queensland, advocating for a better deal for cyclists and scooter riders in the forthcoming election. We also wrote to the Minister and Shadow Minister for Transport and Main Roads to support better outcomes for riders through better policy, programs and funding. 

The Minister’s letter in response to our CEO cited the current government’s record of achievements in building active transport projects, but did not make any commitments to increased funding in future. The Shadow Minister acknowledged our letter.

Our discussions focused on the 7 key improvements that governments can make. These are:

  1. Aim for 10% of trips by active transport by 2032 and commit 10% of the transport budget to making it happen.
  2. Fill in the missing links in the network.
  3. Maintain what is there already
  4. Improve signage for safety and wayfinding
  5. Look for cycle tourism opportunities
  6. Engage with users
  7. Build more shared paths and bikeways

In an election dominated by issues of youth crime, ambulance ramping, housing supply and the cost of living, cycling hasn’t rated much of a mention. When the major parties do talk about transport issues, its usually around “fixing” the Bruce highway and improving public transport. Big expensive items. Yet bike riding is for everyone everywhere and major improvements can be done for a fraction of the cost.

In the lead up to Saturday, we encourage everyone who has an interest in better outcomes for cycling and riding to contact their local candidates and let them know how important bike riding is to you and to all Queenslanders.




Can you try a week without driving?

At Bicycle Queensland we advocate for bike and e-scooter riders as we want to see more people riding, more often. This includes recreational use of bikes and e-scooters, but we also work to create a safer environment for riders. Our goal is to have more short trips taken by bike or e-scooter instead of via a car.

A Week Without Driving is a global initiative that can be undertaken anywhere, and Get Around Cabo Carfree are promoting the week locally around Caboolture and Morayfield – but you can take part anywhere.

The concept is pretty simple – go a week without using your car. But there are some nuances in that – the idea is you look at how you change the transport modes you use. Whether you walk, ride, use a scooter, or use public transport – all are great. And if you need to use a car – can you use a ride share? Or car pool?

Wendy Nash is the driving force behind Get Around Cabo Carfree, and the local Week Without Driving initiative.

This is a voluntary and self-managed initiative, over a week-long time frame from September 30 to October 6, 2024. So it’s a perfect amount of time to see what the impacts are like for your own transport.

Get Around Cabo Carfree have also got an optional scavenger hunt built into their week, where you use the Snap Send Solve app to report issues that create problems for those who rely on active transport networks. Be that people with a pram, mobility devices, walkers, bike riders, scooter riders or the elderly. More details are on their website.

‘The Week Without Driving concept started in 2021 in Washington State, in America,’ Wendy Nash of Get Around Cabo Carfree told BQ. ‘It was to make elected representatives aware of what it is like to not use or have access to a car.’

‘As soon as I saw that I knew it was exactly what we needed to do. Caboolture and surrounds is so car dependent, it really forces car ownership here. People don’t want to, and it costs them a fortune but they don’t really have any choice.’

A big part of the Week Without Driving initiative is raising awareness. Many of us are happy to get in our car for daily trips, and with 1.8 cars owned per household in Queensland, it certainly is a luxury we take for granted. And Wendy Nash expects a few hurdles for those who challenge themselves to try a week without driving.

‘It can be such a shock needing to get around without a car, until you are in that position. However the 50c public transport fares have been very popular and really make a difference, and the e-bike and e-scooter subsidies are great.’

At the launch, we heard from a few speakers who cannot drive due to health conditions, or who had a long time without being able to drive due to injury. In their region, it makes them very aware of inadequate infrastructure around footpaths and bikeways, and also access to public transport.

Belinda Ward, from Space for Cycling Brisbane, was at the launch and welcomed the initiative.

‘This is a good challenge and it will make people think about how they get around. With ther 50c public transport fares right now, people can look at how they may take the trips they need to do. Once you look at ways you can get around without a car, you start to appreciate that it can be really difficult for people who don’t have one. But on a bike, I can get exactly where I need to go, on my own schedule – it’s easy.’

Of course, Belinda had some advice for those who may look to do a week without driving from September 30 – October 6 (and beyond!).

‘It can be daunting if you think you need to ride the same places where you ride, because a lot of the roads we drive on are pretty horrifying. So you need to work out how to get the places you need to go on safer routes that aren’t the ways you would go when you drive.’

Bicycle Queensland recommends trying the bike route selection on Google Maps, or for your route planning.

Sometimes the biggest barrier to change is starting – and here at Bicycle Queensland, we think the Week Without Driving initiative may be the perfect time to see what trips you can do without your car.

Are you a Bicycle Queensland member? Membership includes thorough insurance while you ride or use an e-scooter, plus extensive member benefits. Find out more here.


Updates from Bicycle Queensland’s 2024 Regional Tour

Throughout August and September 2024, Bicycle Queensland hit the road, visiting Queensland’s regions between Cairns and Coolangatta.  This was an essential follow up after Bicycle Queensland’s  CEO Alton Twine and Director of Advocacy Andrew Demack visited the regions of Queensland in March, to meet with members, bike riders and councils to hear about concerns, opportunities and success stories. 

During these visits in August and September, Bicycle Queensland were able to update members and riders on progress that has been made in advocacy for bike and e-scooter riding around the state. But more importantly, it gave us an opportunity to follow up on specific issues,  and hear from people who couldn’t connect with us earlier in the year. 

‘Queensland’s regions are of high importance to Bicycle Queensland, and I feel personally committed to helping to improve the safety and opportunity for bike and e-scooter riders all around Queensland,’ said Bicycle Queensland’s CEO Alton Twine. ‘Growing up in Townsville, I remember seeing Flinders street flooded with bikes in the afternoon as railway workshop employees clocked off. The climate and topography hasn’t changed since then – but infrastructure around the state has, meaning many of us are defaulting to cars for short trips. We need to make sure riding a bike, e-scooter or walking for short trips is a safe, comfortable and sustainable choice.’  

There are numerous challenges across the regions of Queensland. There is no denying that as a vast state, creating connected active transport networks beyond regional centres is difficult. However we did see the foundations of some excellent networks in place in different corners of the state, and we have helped to facilitate positive steps towards improvements on networks in other areas. 

Bicycle Queensland also heard about the success of fantastic community initiatives, from Bike Buses for school drop off and pick up, through to marked and mapped bikepacking routes. Rail trails were high on the agenda, and Bicycle Queensland are putting our expertise together in a conference this November, to suit those regions who want to get their feasibility study around a disused rail corridor off the shelf, moving towards a rideable trail. 

‘Any unused rail corridor has potential to be an excellent piece of infrastructure for bike riding, walking or even horse riding,’ said Andrew Demack, Bicycle Queensland’s Director of Advocacy. ‘Rail trails provide safe, relatively flat connections between communities. Time and time again we hear stories about how diverse user groups on rail trails are, and that runs true from the Tweed through to the Atherton Tablelands.’ 

One of the leading concerns that came from almost every meeting held was a change in awareness of rules that relate to bike riders on the road. While we are still compiling our key focus points for each region, state-wide we will be working on a renewed push for awareness of road rules and how they relate to those riding a bike – for both bike rider0, e-scooter riders and motorists.  

Bicycle Queensland will continue to work with Queensland’s diverse regions to create better outcomes for bike and e-scooter riders. If you want to stay up to date, make sure you sign up for our monthly e-newsletter. Or show your support via joining Bicycle Queensland

Photo: Flow MTB